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My name is Russ Ware and I am a sporadic freelance writer, occasional website designer, full time employee of a huge retail chain and a father and husband (well, not quite husband yet, but maybe if this experiment goes well...)
I have a couple of websites and a blog or two, but I am by no means an Internet marketing expert. My dream (for now) is to be able to make a living through the Internet and freelance writing, and to be able to avoid the daily slog to work. During this experiment I hope to find ways to help me achieve that dream...
This is NOT a get-rich-quick guide (although that would be very nice...), nor is it a way for me to sell e-books on Getting Rich Quickly. I fully expect this experiment to be a bit of a slog and I am fully prepared to fall short of my target. The aim is purely to find out if it is possible for ME to earn £10,000 using the Internet. 

Why The Experiment?
The main, overiding reason for the £10k experiment always was, and still is, the £10k. If you earn £200k a year, another 5% isn't going to make much difference. But to me and my family, it would make a huge difference to be able to add that much money to our income without having to work a second job. Originally the figure was £1000 and even that amount would be useful, but it is not going to make that much difference to my life and obviously didn't inspire me much or I would have done it 5 years ago. I settled on £10k (after some thought) because it is an achievable figure, whilst also being much more than I currently earn from the Internet (more on that later...)

The second reason for this experiment is to give myself a challenge, whilst doing something which interests me. And this fits both of those criteria. There are many experienced Internet marketeers and super affiliates who could generate that amount in a month without breaking a sweat, but I am neither of those things. I have some knowledge of building websites, blogging, being an affiliate and selling on ebay amongst other things, but I am by no means an expert and will be learning as I go. If people reading this blog find it interesting and useful, if they decide to try to emulate what I do, then great.

The idea to start a blog about my experiment came when I was brainstorming (can it be called brainstorming when I was the only person in the room?) ways to get started along my path to £10k. There are currently millions of blogs online as I write this, on every conceivable subject and of wildly differing quality. A huge percentage were whims and probably lay dormant with only a few posts (I have added to that figure over the years, I admit). Yet there are others which are hugely successful and generate large sums of money for their owners/creators every year. Now I certainly don't expect to make the $200k+ that the top 1% of blogs are believed to generate, but I do hope that this blog will contribute at least something to the target figure, be that from selling advertising, affiliate links or whatever. The blog also allows people to follow what I am doing, learn from my mistakes and successes and maybe even suggest ways I can try to reach that £10k. Finally, the blog allows me to keep track of what I am doing, it provides a searchable database of ideas and thoughts and it is simply a lot more fun than making notes in a notepad...

Email: russ10k@virginmedia.com